Solid State Detector Lab

Contact person:

This service is offering the characterization and testing of silicon sensors to CERN and external groups, respectively gives external groups access to laboratory equipment. A list of available equipment is given below and ranges from CV, IV measurements to Charge Collection Efficiency measurements on strip sensors using LHC speed electronics.


Title Description Location
  • bias up to 1100V
  • ALIBAVA system (LHCb Beetle based)
  • wide bandwidth amplifiers (up to 3 channel)
  • front and back illumination of sample
  • 1 GHz Oscilloscope
  • ps lasers (660nm, 1060nm)
  • software (linux,root) for ALIBAVA
  • cooing down to -20C
CCE measurement setup at low temperatures
  • Sr-90 source, scintillator/PMT trigger
  • amplifier with 2.5 us shaping (single channel)
  • cooling down to -20C
CVIV setup: Measurement at room temperature
  • Labview control
  • Bias up to 1100V
  • CV at 0.1, 1, 10, 100 KHz
  • Probe station with 4 inch chuck in dark box
CVIV setup: Measurement with temperature control
  • Labview control
  • Bias up to 1100V
  • CV at 0.1, 1, 10, 100 KHz
  • Probe station with 4 inch chuck in dark box
  • Temperature control from -30C – 60C
eTCT setup
  • labview control
  • 1060 nm lasers (1 ns pulse)
  • edge illumination of sample
  • 500 MHz Oscilloscope
  • wide band width amplifier (single channel)
  • bias up to 1100V
  • cooling down to -20C, dark box, dry air flushed
TCT & setup
  • labview control
  • 660 & 1060 nm lasers (1 ns pulse)
  • Front, back edge illumination of sample
  • 500 MHz Oscilloscope
  • wide band width amplifier (single channel)
  • bias up to 1100V
  • cooling down to -20C, dark box, dry air flushed
TCTPlus setup
  • labview control
  • 660 & 1060 nm lasers (1 ns pulse)
  • front and back illumination of sample
  • 500 MHz Oscilloscope
  • wide band width amplifier (single channel)
  • bias up to 1100V
  • cooling down to -10C, dark box, dry air flushed
TPA Setup
  • Optical table THORLABS
  • Faraday cage
  • FYLA Laser
  • Laser output properties
    Approx. 400fs width
    Pulse frequency 8 MHz to single pulse
    Central wavelength 1550nm

  • Hexapod Newport 6 axis motorized
  • Oscilloscope Infiniium DS09254A
  • 2 Keithley Source Meter
  • TTi Programmable DC PSU (TSX3510P)
  • KEYSIGHT Power Supply E3651A
  • Chiller Huber CC505 (-40°C)