
The DT secretariat provides administrative and secretarial support to all EP-DT group members and users of NA62/DRDs/PS215/MoEDAL/FASER/RD42 experiments.

Opening hours: 8h30 - 12h30 ; 13h30 - 17h30

Veronique Wedlake
Phone : +41 22 767 8116
Office: 166-R-010


  • Travel arrangements
  • Organization of meetings, conferences, workshops
  • Conference room reservations
  • Minutes
  • Translation French/English

  • Registration formalities for users
  • Invitation letters
  • Subsistence requests
  • Trainees applications
  • Administration of DT documentation repositories (Indico, EDMS, Sharepoint), e-groups and CERN personnel database
  • Maintenance of websites

  • Material requests, shipping requests, purchasing orders
  • Group Economat
  • Key requests
  • Organisation of social events