Quality Assurance and Reliability Testing Lab (QARTlab)

Contact person: Abhishek Sharma

The CERN EP/DT Quality Assurance and Reliability Testing Lab (QARTlab)

The EP-DT Quality Assurance and Reliability Testing lab (QARTlab) provides resources concerning quality assurance to the CERN community as a whole but focussed primarily on Silicon detector technology. These resources include information (procedure documents, standards), advice and a common “library” of experiences gained from the high energy physics community concerning the quality issues in building silicon detectors.
The other main purpose of the lab is to provide equipment and expertise with this equipment in order to perform reliability testing. The lab has environmental test chambers, a vibration test system, infrared cameras, a small but high field (2T) normal magnet, and a variety of other  devices.
The QARTlab can also provide advice and assistance in many aspects of silicon detector design, construction, and operations.