ALICE Operation and Detector Upgrade

ATLAS Operation

EP-DT provides technical support to the ATLAS experiment in integration, installation, and maintenance of detectors and the experimental infrastructure. In particular, EP-DT ensures the ATLAS cooling coordination, the maintenance of the ATLAS-ALFA detector and supports Inner Detector interventions.

ATLAS Detector Upgrade Projects

  • ATLAS Pixel Insertable B-Layer project: quality assurance of staves, IBL bakeout tests, support to mechanical assembly and integration.
  • ATLAS Pixel new Service Quarter Panels (nSQP) project. EP-DT staff ensured the project co-ordination, quality assurance and provided mechanical support to the nSQP assembly and integration.
  • Feasibility studies for the large-area, micro-megas detector (MAMMA)
  • Coordination of the engineering for the ATLAS Tracker Upgrade phase II